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Learn how to integrate Rostruct into your workflow.


Automatically getting the latest Rostruct release is discouraged, as breaking changes can happen at any time.

Read the latest release's description when updating Rostruct just in case you need to change your code.

Rostruct is distributed as a Lua file. Before starting your local project, you should learn how to load Rostruct.

Rostruct can be loaded with HttpGetAsync:

local Rostruct = loadstring(game:HttpGetAsync(
    .. "/Rostruct.lua"

This will load the Rostruct script for the given GitHub Release tag version.

with loadfile()

If you'd rather avoid yielding, you can load Rostruct locally.

To do this, save the latest Rostruct.lua file from the GitHub Releases page somewhere in your executor's workspace/ directory.

You can load the Lua file with:

local Rostruct = loadfile("Rostruct.lua")()
local Rostruct = loadstring(readfile("Rostruct.lua"))()