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Some Rostruct functions may return tables to store data in one place. The structures of these tables are documented on this page.


interface FetchInfo {
    /** The folder the release was saved to. */
    readonly location: string;

    /** Whether the operation downloaded a new release. */
    readonly updated: boolean;

    /** The owner of the repository. */
    readonly owner: string;

    /** The name of the repository. */
    readonly repo: string;

    /** The version of the release. */
    readonly tag: string;

    /** The specific asset that was downloaded. */
    readonly asset: "Source code" | string;

Represents the status of a GitHub Release fetch operation. FetchInfo is used in a Package object's fetchInfo property.

The owner, repo, tag, and asset fields typically reference the arguments passed to a fetch function.

If an asset isn't passed to the fetch function, asset defaults to "Source code". The tag field also defaults to the latest stable version of the repository.